Our Publications
To request printed copies of any of the materials listed below, email us at info@auroragerp.org or call (303) 368-9160. You may read and print each document’s Adobe Acrobat file by clicking on its hyperlink.
To change your Direct Deposit information contact the GERP office directly for assistance.
To change your tax withholding information complete this form and then mail or fax it back to GERP.
This short publication summarizes the Plan’s financial, actuarial and investment status as of December 31, 2017 and is mailed to all active and retired participants. Report
This all-inclusive report prepared each year for City Council and plan participants in accordance with Government Finance Officers Association standards. It contains audited financial statements, detailed investment and actuarial information, and participant statistics.
2016 CAFR
2015 CAFR
2014 CAFR
2013 CAFR
2012 CAFR
2011 CAFR
These 20-page booklets explain the benefit provisions of the Plan and vary depending on when you were hired by the City of Aurora.
If your employment began before 2012. Before 2012
If your employment began in 2012 or after. 2012 or After
The Internal Revenue Service requires that GERP distribute this pamphlet to participants receiving taxable lump sum payments. It explains how participants can avoid the mandatory 20% income tax withholding if they direct GERP to rollover eligible payments to a traditional IRA or other qualified plan. It also provides tax information for surviving spouses, alternate payees and other beneficiaries who receive payments from GERP. Tax Notice.
GERPS latest yearly newsletter. Newsletter